Let’s get it started!

A team may consist of no more than 12 players unless authorized by the TCYFL Board. Such authorization is in effect for only the season year for which authorization was granted.
The playing field length will be designated as from the 40 yard line to the end line of the nearest end zone. The playing field width will be designated from the home side line to the far hash marks, approximately 36 yards in width. Including the 10 yards of end zone, the field shall be 50 yards in length and 36 yards in width. Players may wait to enter the game between the 40 and 50 yard lines.
The field will not include “no run” zones.
The game will be 40 minutes in length split into 4, 10 minute quarters. A 1 minute break between 1st and 2nd quarter and between 3rd and 4th quarter. A 5-minute halftime will be granted. The clock is a continuous, running clock with no stopping of time.
Each team will alternate game quarters on offense and defense. The visiting team will begin the game on offense.
he offense will start on the 30 yard line and have the full quarter to score a touchdown. Upon scoring, the ball will be placed back on the 30 yard line and the process will be repeated until the quarter expires. A turnover will result in the ball being placed on the 30 yard line and the process will be repeated until the quarter expires. Regardless of scoring or progress, when a quarter expires the teams will switch from offense to defense and from defense to offense.
One coach from each team can be on the designated playing field during game play. These coaches will also be charged with monitoring game play and being the game officials.
Prior to the start of the game, the home team, head coach will designate a volunteer to be the time keeper for the game. The volunteer does not need to be a certified coach. The home team head coach will be responsible for the designated time keeper’s conduct.
Teams of 10 or less players will provide a minimum of 20 minutes of playing time for each participant. Teams of more than 10 players will provide a minimum of 12 minutes of playing time for each participant.
The TCYFL does not record the results of the games. Score may be kept for the game, but the game results are not recorded for league purposes.